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Forward-focused coaching for teens & parents after wilderness therapy.

We are life-experienced coaches who teach teens & parents to become part of their own working solution. Our 9-month process offers a unique learning experience for struggling families. The result is a growing understanding of how to influence positive change within the family dynamic building self-awareness alongside adaptable relationships. 

We are filling a gap in aftercare
for families in four major ways:



We focus on the future, not the past, teaching that each individual is in control of their own path and behaviors, while still belonging to, and influencing, family dynamics. We believe in a healthy and promising tomorrow for the whole family—where anything is possible and everything is figure-out-able.


Since parents and teens experience family challenges in such different ways, we provide each with separate life coaches, equipped to handle their specific challenges. Our coaches are well-versed in helping mend  relationships as well as finding opportunities for growth and connection.


Parents and teens are taught the same principles. We support the entire family through an original education program written specifically for families in need, creating shared practices and a common language of healing and responsibility.


Our nine-month program creates lasting change because we don’t just teach parents and teens new ways to build family relationships; we stay by their side, facing real-time challenges, as they practice and implement all they’ve learned.


Beth Hillman

Mom, Certified Life Coach, Arbinger Facilitator, Parent Coach


When her fifteen-year-old son went to wilderness, Beth began her own journey of self-improvement by becoming a certified Life Coach, Facilitator of Arbinger’s Living With an Outward Mindset seminar, and Parent Coach.


Beth’s personal experience as a parent to five sons, combined with her exuberance for self-discovery and her passion for helping others, creates a rare combination of empathy and expertise.


In 2019, Beth became the Parent Seminar Teacher at Wingate Wilderness Therapy—the very wilderness program her son had attended. In that role, Beth was honored to both spend time with kids in the wilderness as well as coach and support parents as they were reunited with their children midway through the program.


Following this beloved stint in the wilderness, Beth was recruited to become the Parent and Family Program Director at a residential treatment center in central Utah. There she implemented and improved her original parent support coaching program, bringing her education, experience, and empathy to even more families.


Beth is passionate about helping families reconnect. She did it for her family while transitioning her own son home and now finds great fulfillment in working as a parent coach. Beth lives in Highland, Utah, with her husband and their youngest son.


Seth Gottlieb

Teen Life Coach, Wilderness Guide


Seth was born and raised on the front range of Colorado to parents of divorce who both worked in the mental health field. Seth suffered from trauma young in life. This experience was mentally blocked for over 20 years and resulted in a life of  anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, codependency, abusive relationships, and drug abuse for 25 years.


Exhausted from life, Seth checked himself into rehab where he transformed his life and shortly thereafter discovered his passion and calling for helping teens avoid the path he went down.


Seth began working as a wilderness therapy field guide, then an In-field Coordinator at Wingate Wilderness Therapy, and later as the Director of Student Services at a Utah-based residential treatment center before returning to wilderness with Outback Therapeutic Expeditions in Utah.


Seth saw a void in aftercare and became disenchanted as he watched so many families continue to suffer after treatment. He began to realize that more support, and longer transition time was needed to help prevent recidivism.


Seth’s ability to empathize and relate to young people creates a relationship of trust and understanding that allows him to guide teens through their struggles with assertiveness and compassion. He teamed up with Beth Hillman to create a program focused on bringing families together more permanently, while continuing to work on healthy attachment bonds through mental training and increasing the desire for change.


“It is great to be in the place we are with our family. Thank you so much! You are the one who guided us there.”

— Sandi




The Cairn Education Program was made for struggling families who desire a pathway from disconnection, conflict, and emotional turmoil toward reconnection and family equanimity. In order to influence lasting change, the whole family unit must be involved in learning and adapting together. Real change happens when emotional and relational awareness, mindfulness, and self-reflection are taught.


Self-awareness is the pivotal component of intentional living. When families are taught to recognize and uncover old patterns in themselves, and seek to understand their own minds and emotions, they can then take responsibility for their part. As we learn to truly understand ourselves and those around us, we are able to influence and guide our families to their greatest potential. The Cairn Education Program teaches the tools and daily practices to empower families to:

  • Connect and relate, rather than react.
  • Know what to do and say when something hard happens.
  • Take the necessary space to recognize, accept, and allow emotions.
  • Break free from guilt and set healthy boundaries.
  • Relate with clarity, insight, and empowerment.
  • Experience growth and connection in relationships.


PARENT MODULES are introduced at the beginning of the second month and are delivered weekly through videos and printable homework. Each module is discussed, applied, and reflected upon each week.  


TEEN MODULES start at the beginning of the second month and are delivered through conversation, application, and reflection with a new module as the focus for each week.




We're eager to hear your story and discover if we are a good fit for your family. Just submit your info and we'll schedule a time to meet you virtually. 

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